Paul Brilisauer
Paul Brilisauer

Paul Brilisauer is an ambitious fisherman living in the southern region of the Allgäu. He is born in 1985 and he found his passion for fishing at the age of 8. He went through all the fishing styles, like carp- or coarse fishing, but finally got hooked on predator fishing with artificial lures. His main fishing waters are shallow lakes with lots of water plants and heavy cover. “I really like to fish in places where other people can't. Searching and adopting new methods to get fish out of heavy cover keeps me motivated and the short distance fights are breathtaking.” Paul also likes to go wading for trout in small rivers and participates in some of the biggest fishing tournaments in the Netherlands. With its brutal strikes and the possibility to fish for it with many different lures, the pike is his favorite predator. “It’s a big honor to fish for the brand Westin. In my opinion Westin has one of the best products for predator fishing and I like the fact that Westin produces many products that are environmentally friendly. Westin's pioneering fishing products helps to keep our water clean and thus can contribute to preserving our passion for future generations.”

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