FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Here you can find answers to the most common questions you may have to Escape Cam from Westin. Also, please see manual for more information. If you still can't find the answers you are looking for, then please contact us at customer support.


The red light is always on. Is the camera broken?

This is normally due to error on the SD card. Make sure to use a card of minimum 32GB and use the format Ex-Fat. It can be a low-quality card or due to files present on the card from using it with other devices. Let the camera run out of battery and re-charge it. Then format the SD card on a pc in the Ex-Fat format and try this in the camera. In case this does not fix it, use another SD card in a better quality. If this does not fix it, please contact customer support.

Why does my camera not turn on when the end cap is turned?

First check that the camera has power. You can do this by pressing the tiny on/off button located under the end cap on the left side of the USB port. If the LED light flashes, the camera has power. If the camera has power, try turning the end cap again. If it still does not turn on, then unscrew the end cap rotate it 180 degrees and try again. If no light comes on, please contact customer support.

The "camera settings" file disappeared - what to do?

If the "camera settings" file is deleted, just insert the SD card into the camera and do a short recording. The camera will generate a new "camera settings" file with the default settings.

Why does my camera not charge?

When the camera is connected to a charger via the cable it should boot up with a series of flashes in the right side and have a solid light blue in the left side. As long as the light is on it is charging, when the light turns off it is fully charged. If nothing happens when you connect it to a charger, try a different cable or charger if possible. If the camera still does not start charging, please contact customer support.

The blue light is always on. Is the camera broken?

This is normally due to error on the SD card. Make sure to use a card of minimum 32GB and use the format Ex-Fat. It can be a low-quality card or due to files present on the card from using it with other devices. Let the camera run out of battery and re-charge it. Then format the SD card on a pc in the Ex-Fat format and try this in the camera. In case this does not fix it, use another SD card in a better quality. If this does not fix it, please contact customer support.

What SD card should I use?

Buy a well-known brand from a well-known store. The card must be minimum 32GB and formatted in the Ex-Fat format. Avoid super cheap cards as they most often do not work well with any camera and will eventually cause problems. SanDisk Ultra 64GB or similar cards with A1 or A2 rating.


Is it possible to change the length of the video segments recorded?

No, the videos are automatically cut into 5 minute segments so they have a size that can be handled by most devices.

Why are my videos jerky or in bad quality when played on my mobile phone?

It may have to do with the performance of your mobile phone, or the player you are using. You can download VLC Player for the best result. Be sure you have a A1 or A2 mark on your SD Card, which has a speed that makes it possible to transfer the video fast enough.

Why can I not import the videos to my video editor?

The video format used by the camera is fmp4. This format saves the video once every second and ensures no video is lost in case of a violent take. The format can be a challenge to some video players and editors, the best way around this is to use VLC player for looking through and selecting the video clips. Make sure to read "How do I use VLC player to select and convert my video?"

When I play the videos on my pc why can I not fast forward?

The video format used by the camera is fmp4. This format saves the video once every second and ensures no video is lost in case of a violent take. The format can be a challenge to some video players and editors, the best way around this is to use VLC player for looking through and selecting the video clips. Make sure to read "How do I use VLC player to select and convert my video?"

Why can I not play the videos on my iPhone using the OTG card reader?

First read the instructions in the manual to make sure you are looking for your videos in the right place. To get the most up to date information do a web search for “how to use OTG card reader on (insert device name)”. When you insert the card reader to the mobile phone the LED on one side of the card reader should flash the first seconds. If it does this means the card reader is recognised and connected. If you have an iPhone 15, please contact customer support.

Why can I not play the videos on my Android phone using the OTG card reader?

First read the instructions in the manual to make sure you are looking for your videos in the right place. To get the most up to date information do a web search for “how to use OTG card reader on (insert device name)” . When you insert the card reader to the phone the LED on one side of the card reader should flash the first seconds. If it does this means the card reader is recognised and connected. If you still cannot get it to work, please contact customer support.

Why is the date on my videos not correct?

Due to the small size of the camera the only way to set time and date is via the txt. file on the SD card. When the camera runs out of battery time settings are lost. During our testing we found this to be problematic therefore the files are named numerically, with no option to set the time. It is recommended to organize the video clips you want to keep after each trip.

How do I use VLC player to select and convert my video?

First install VLC player, it is free, and then enable the record button. This is done by clicking the tab "View" and selecting "Advanced controls" You now get a small panel with a red record button, in the bottom of the screen. To use the record button, find a clip in your video you want, and go back approximately ten seconds before the action starts and press the record button. When the action is over, press the button again to stop recording. All the clips are by default saved in your video folder.


Is it possible to buy spare parts for the camera?

Yes, at the moment we have all parts in stock. We may make a spare kit based on the most often requested parts, but for now we need to gather statistics before we can set it together.

I lost the Dive Lip. Is it possible to buy a new?

Yes, we have all parts in stock. We may make a spare kit based on the most often requested parts, but for now you need to contact customer support. If the dive lip fell off during fishing, please read the manual to set it up correctly, the dive lip should be locked in place by the tube.

Find manual for Escape Cam here

If you have further questions about Escape Cam, please contact our customer support here


How to set up

How to set up the Escape Cam in the best way so you get your own underwater footage!

How to use

Westin takes you through the features and how to use the Escape Cam.

Tips & tricks

See the best tips and tricks on how to use Escape Cam from Westin.