Begleiten Sie einige der erfahrensten Raubfischangler Europas in diesen Videositzungen, in denen sie ihr großes Wissen zeigen und einige wichtige Tipps und Tricks geben, wie Sie Ihr Angeln auf Hecht, Barsch, Zander und im Meer optimieren können!
In diesem Kurzfilm stellen Martin Kreuzer und Marius Schepp Euch die Königsdisziplin des Hechtangelns vor: das Freiwasserwerfen. Dabei gehen die beiden auf ihre Taktik und das richtige Tackle ein, aber auch darauf, was für sie den Reiz dieser speziellen Art des Angelns auf kapitale Hechte in riesigen Seen ausmacht!
Raubfischangeln leicht gemacht - mit den neuen "Ready 2 Fish" Ködern! In diesem Video stellt Dietmar Isaiasch unsere beiden Neuzugänge in der "R2F" Köderrange vor, den 16cm ShadTeez und 21cm BullTeez Curltail! Beide Köder kommen aus der Verpackung heraus bereit zum Angeln, sind also mit einem internen Gewichtsharness und jeweils einem Einzel- & Drillingshaken vormontiert und müssen nur noch ans Vorfach eingehängt werden. Was diese Köder besonders macht, wie du sie am besten angelst und dadurch mehr Hechte, Zander und Co fängst, siehst du in diesem Video!
Der ShadTeez Hollow ist ein Köder, der bei vielen von Euch noch "unterm Radar schwimmt" - Und deshalb stellt ihn Euch Dietmar Isaiasch heute mal etwas genauer vor und erklärt, warum er diesen Gummifisch am liebsten am DropShot fischt. Doch auch gejiggt funktioniert dieser Köder, was ihn zu einer Bank für Barsch & Zander macht!
Der MegaTeez ist zurück! Unser legendäre Gummifisch mit dem charakteristischen "Meerjungfrauen"" V-Tail ist zurück im Sortiment, in zwei Größen (5 & 9cm) und sechs Farben! In diesem Video erklärt dir Dietmar Isaiasch, wie er diesen Köder am DropShot und Jighead anbietet und führt, um erfolgreich auf Barsch und Zander zu angeln!
Mit @joshinator4549 auf Großbarschjagd im Frühjahr - Unter diesem Motto steht dieses Video, in dem Joshi mit C-Rig und Twitchbaits auf die dicken Kirschen im Flachwasser aus ist. Und dieser Plan soll nach nicht mal 10 Würfen bereits aufgehen.
Der legendäre TwinTeez V-Tail ist zurück in unserem Sortiment! In diesem Video stellt Euch Dietmar Isaiasch die Features & Farben dieses Gummiköders vor, während er natürlich noch den ein oder anderen Geheimtipp parat hat!
In diesem Tutorial-Video stellt Euch Marius Schepp unsere Escape Cam von A-Z vor und beantworten häufig gestellte Fragen.
In diesem Video stellt Euch Dietmar Isaiasch unsere neue W6 Baitcaster vor. Diese Low-Profile Multirolle gibt es in vier verschiedenen Größen (50, 100, 200, 300), drei verschiedenen Übersetzungen (Low, Medium, High), sowie als Links- und Rechtshandmodell.
Dietmar Isaiasch stellt Euch in diesem Video unsere neue W2 Rutenrange im Kurzüberblick vor. Der Fokus bei dieser Serie liegt auf einem unschlagbaren Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, wofür leistungsstarke Komponenten verarbeitet haben. Viele der bekannten Modelle wie die PowerCast oder MonsterStick zum Hechtangeln, die PowerTeez oder FinesseShad für das Zanderangeln oder die Finesse T&C für das Barschangeln sind vertreten.
Heute begleiten wir Martin Kreuzer und Marius Schepp bei einer winterlichen Barschsession am großen See. Vor einem wunderschönen Alpenpanorama tun sich die beiden lange schwer, bis sie auf das Carolina Rig (C-Rig) wechseln und doch noch einige tolle Barsche überlisten können!
Heute sind wir mit @joshinator4549 in Berlin beim Streetfishing auf Barsch unterwegs. Mit dabei: Eine ganz besondere Rute. Mehr dazu im Video!
Heute belgeiten wir Paul Brilisauer dabei, wie er an einem stark verkrauteten Waldsee auf Hecht angelt. Wie er hierbei vorgeht und warum unser neuer BladeBite V2 der ideale Köder für diese Umgebung ist, seht Ihr in diesem Video!
Heute begleiten wir Dietmar Isaiasch bei einem seiner ersten Versuche mit dem neuen TwinTeez Pelagic! Und wie gut dieser Köder funktioniert, kann Didi schnell feststellen. Natürlich hat er zusätzlich noch ein paar Tipps für´s "Pelagen" mit an Bord.
In diesem Video bringt Euch Dietmar Isaiasch seine fünf besten Tipps für das Zanderangeln im Sommer näher!
Team Westin gewinnt den YouTube Predator Cup Boat 2023! Einen Tag nach dem Dietmar und André den Sieg geholt haben, nehmen Sie sich in Ihrer Euphorie noch einmal kurz Zeit und erklären Euch, mit welchen Taktiken, Methoden und Ködern sie zum Erfolg gekommen sind!
In diesem Video sind Philipp und Marius an einer ihnen fast komplett unbekannten Talsperre in Deutschland unterwegs. Um dennoch zum Erfolg zu kommen, wenden Sie bewährte Techniken und Taktiken an und erklären Euch ihr Vorgehen.
Heute sind Dirk und Marius an einem großen Natursee in Brandenburg unterwegs. Da es noch früh in der Saison ist, vermuten die beiden die Hechte im flachen Wasser und testen hier diverse Köder von uns. Am Ende lässt sich die Frage, ob die Hechte eher auf große oder auf kleine Köder stehen auch relativ deutlich beantworten!
Heute sind wir zusammen mit unseren Teamern Sven "Borsti" Borstel und Krystian Wojtzcak auf Flachwasser-Hechte am Bodden unterwegs. Mit dabei: Unser BladeBite, BullTeez und der legändere Swim.
Auch beim Angeln am Bodden heißt es flexibel bleiben. Zusammen mit Sven "Borsti" Borstel, wollten wir ein Hechtvideo drehen. Der Sturm machte dies aber unmöglich, daher musste Plan B her. Dieser hieß "Im Windschutz auf Meerforelle" und sollte direkt aufgehen. Was Sven hierbei beachtet hat, erklärt er in diesem Video.
Heute sind wir mit Dietmar Isaiasch unterwegs und begleiten Ihn bei einer erfolgreichen Wintersession auf Zander.
Is the new Westin Swim Tail the most versatile Pike lure? Daniel Nilsson from Team Westin takes you on a session fishing for pike in a big lake, using the Swim Tail with the 2 different tail options. Learn from Daniel how you can tweak the lure using our SwitchWeights and get his tips on which tail option he uses in different conditions. Plenty of pike action guaranteed!
A small boat on a big lake - Jörgen Larsson from Team Westin is after zander with the new W8 2nd rod range. Taking to the water in a small boat that many anglers can relate to, Jörgen sets out to catch zander on a lake that´s big, shallow and has absolutely no structure. See how Jörgen approaches such a venue and which tactics and techniques will prove to be effective on this day.
Today, we tag along with Toon Van Ham and Marius Schepp as they do some training for Toons YPC bank final participation. See how Toon approaches his pre-fishing and what little tricks he uses to gain the extra advantage he will need in the final!
Team Westin´s Daniel Nilsson & Didrik Stavervik head out in search for late autumn pike, casting hyper realistic lures like the new Ricky The Roach Inline with the new W8 2nd rod range. Will pike be able to resist the most detailled lures made to date?
Toon van Ham from Team Westin goes streetfishing in canals, trying to catch big zander using jigging and dropshotting techniques with the new W8 VersiTeez 2nd and W8 SuperFinesse 2nd rods. Follow Toon and his tips to see how he approaches a day of fishing from the shore in search for big predators - will he be able to break his shore PB for zander?
Can Daniel Nilsson and Henrik Olsson from Team Westin get a 100% conversion rate on bites to landed pike? See the new BullTeez Curltail Inline in action in a relatively small Swedish lake, trolling from a small boat and getting hard strikes from beautifully coloured pike! With dropping water temperatures, pike change back to feeding on bigger and bigger baitfish, so the 33cm (over 40cm when fishing) is perfect to trigger strikes.
Join Toon Van Ham as he takes our new BladeBite V2 (7g) out for its first big river perch hunt! Despite challenging weather, the fish are in a feeding frenzy, and Toon’s tips on fishing small bladed jigs prove their worth instantly!
The BullTeez Curltail is a magnet for big predators, so we have decided to create a version that is "Ready 2 Fish" straight out of the packaging. This soft plastic lure runs beautifully and can be fished in both shallow and deep waters, thanks to its unique chin eyelet for additional switch weights. The curltail makes for a great action at any retrieve speed. Pre-rigged with an internal weight harness, it features a strong single hook in the back and a treble hook on the belly, ensuring excellent hook-up ratios. Watch Dietmar Isaiasch demonstrate its effectiveness on the water in this video!
Daniel Nilsson and Henrik Olsson experience some of the most crazy pike fishing they had in a long while at the massive Lake Vänern in Sweden. Watch the video to see plenty of pike fishing action packed with Daniel´s best tips for spring pike, a couple of big pike in the boat and some fun along the way! Pike fishing right after spawning time can be tricky and you certainly need to be in the right area to fish for them. Henrik and Daniel are experts for big pike fishing in Sweden, so tune in and learn from the pro´s!
Team Westin veteran Jörgen Larsson had a big dream for many years - catching a perch over 3kg! He´s been close several times in the past, but so far he had to wait for his big dream to come true... will it happen this time? Jörgen heads over to the Netherlands to fish together with Luc Coppens in one of the huge waters this area has to offer in search for that one big fish bite! Watch the videos to see 2 of the best perch anglers in action, a BIG surprise and find out if Jörgen efforts chasing a 3kg perch will finally be rewarded.
We tag along with Daniel Nilsson and Toon Van Ham as they fish for pressured pike in the polder systems of the Netherlands - but they have an ace up their sleeves: our new Swim Silent. The perfect lure for the pike that has seen it all! Enjoy this exciting day of bank fishing!
Daniel Nilsson's quest to catch big halibut while casting with his pike tackle continues in part two of 'Beyond Pike - A Halibut Odyssey'. After Daniel, Eric and Alexander had to withstand some serious weather in part one, they have also laid the foundation for a successful second half to the trip, by moving the boat to a less windy area of the Sørøya area – Allowing them to experience some incredible fishing that otherwise wouldn´t have been possible due to rain and heavy winds. But great fishing wasn´t the only special thing that happened to our three adventurers, as mother nature had something real special in store for them.
Daniel Nilsson set himself a challenge to catch a big halibut using pike gear - will he succeed? Watch 'Beyond Pike - A Halibut Odyssey / Chapter 1' and join Daniel along with Westin cameraman Eric on a thrilling adventure, travelling to Sørøya/Norway where they met up with Camp Halibut expert Alexander Strid to hunt the elusive saltwater creatures. Using (stepped up) pike gear and lures, Daniel keeps on casting, getting one step closer to his dream with every cast. Conditions can be tough up north, so being prepared both mentally and tackle-wise is crucial at all times. Tune in to the ambitious adventure and see all the ups and downs along the way!
Many people requested the MegaTeez to be brought back into the program, and we listened! Luc Coppens and Jörgen Larsson put the new version of our MegaTeez to the test out in the Netherlands, mainly fishing for perch, but showing that this lure is much, much more versatile than you would initially think. Dropshot, Ned, standard jigging,... Luc & Jörgen show you some examples on how you can use the MegaTeez to get the best results for your perch, pike and zander fishing.
A legend returns: The TwinTeez V-Tail is back and Dietmar Isaiasch talks about what makes this lure one of the best vertical / pelagic lures on the market! Dietmar being him, he also has a few tips and tricks in store for you that will help you catch more fish.
How do you use our JerkBite for big lake perch fishing? Jörgen Larsson and Marcus 'Frallan' Fransson from Team Westin Sweden demonstrate the effectiveness of perch fishing with the JerkBite. Learn how to target perch in lakes from 2 of the best perch anglers Sweden has to offer, including tips and tricks on how to use a JerkBite for searching fish.
Tag along in todays video, where Jörgen Larsson and Philip Augustsson chase Zander with classic bottom Jig Fishing!
Follow Daniel & Amir in their chase for big spring pike with help of the Bullteez curltail! They go in depth on how you approach the fishing on big open water areas and how effective the Bullteez Curltail can be. Enjoy!
Today we get to join Hannu and Jonne in their search for early spring perch in the finnish archipelago! They share their approach on how to target perch in very cold conditions, with help of the new Westin Ned Worm Curl. Enjoy!
Tag along with Daniel Nilsson & Henrik Olsson on a spin fishing for spring pike session! How many big pikes can they catch?
In this video we get to follow Amir Rastkerdar and Daniel Nilsson in their chase for some coastal silver! They share their tips and tricks when it comes to seatrout fishing in cold conditions, and how you approach it depending on the situation. Enjoy!
In this video we get to follow Daniel Nilsson together with Marcus "Frallan" Fransson, when they're targeting zander "Pelagic Sharpshooting" style - a technique that somewhat has been forgotten, but still is super effective and thrilling! See their approach on it and hope you get inspired to try it yourself!
Come along in today's episode, and watch Jörgen Larsson and Thom Hunt when they're targeting big archipelago perch in the wintertime! They share their best tips & trix when fishing for perch in cold conditions, and how you succeed with your fishing!
In todays video, we get to follow Daniel and Henrik for some pike fishing in shallow waters! They go into details on how to think and strategize when fishing for pike in the fall, and how to improve your fishing! Enjoy!
Northern Sweden... A true paradise for all kinds of species and with its beautiful nature, this is a place that all anglers will fall in love with! In Today’s episode we follow Daniel and Didrik on a mix species adventure, targeting Perch and Grayling with various techniques and lures. Tag along and elevate your fishing to a new level!
Sunny weather, big perch and bladebite... Can you even name a more perfect combo!? In today's video we will follow Didrik Stavervik when he targets huge archipelago perch with our new lure, Bladebite! He shares his tactics and strategies when targeting late summer perch, and how you, with the help of Bladebite, can elevate and take your fishing to the next level! Tag along!
In today's episode, we get to follow Thom Hunt as he shares his best tips & trix when fishing in canals! We get to see how he locate and effectively find the fish, and what gear he likes to use.
Come along and watch Daniel Nilsson and Didrik Stavervik targeting perch with the new Westin Shadteez Hollow! They show you how to optimize your perch fishing with techniques like Dropshot, Ned rig, Carolina Rig, weedless- and traditional rigging, depending on the situation, to improve your perch and zander fishing!
Come along in todays episode, and watch Jörgen Larsson and Dejan Milosevic when they target big winter perch using ned rig! They share their best tips & trix when "nedding" for perch in cold conditions, and how you succed with your fishing!
Come along in todays episode and watch Andreas Aggerlund & David Thormar where they chase seatrout in the early spring!
In this video, Daniel Nilsson and Didrik Stavervik share how they fish for pike in the spring season! These two skilled anglers explain and discuss their bait choices, rod selection and reveals some effective fishing techniques and strategies that will help you improve your pike fishing! Tag along!
In todays episode, we get to follow Rasmus Christensen where he targets huge perch using carolina rig!
Perch fishing in the winter can be slow and tricky, come along and watch Westin Pro anglers Jörgen Larsson and Dejan Milosevic when they target big winter perch! They share their best advice and tactics on how to target perch in cold conditions, and how you succed with your fishing!
Follow Daniel Nilsson & Tommie Magnusson on an early spring pike trolling session! In this video, they give you their best tips & tricks when trolling for pike in the early season.
Downsizing your presentation can be immensely efficient when fishing venues with heigh fishing pressure. In this episode Jeroen Eijssens targets wary pikes with tiny lures.
Follow Westin Pro angler Jeroen Eijssens on a Winter Perch session with the Carolina Rig. And learn how to target the big winter perch.
Today we get to follow Jörgen Larsson and Patrick Van Der Wal for some perch fishing in windy conditions!
In this episode, Jörgen teams up with skilled angler Volkmar Strikkers, to do some asp fishing! Follow along to take part of some huge asp and many crazy strikes!
Westin Pro Team angler Toon Van Ham and his team made Gilles Koolen are experts in the Street- and bank-fishing scene. Follow along on a shore fishing session from the riverbank targeting zanders and perch.
Westin-Fishing Pro Team angler Jeroen Eijssens, takes you on an epic sea bass session. Watch the video and learn how to catch them inshore and offshore.
Team Westin angler Nicklas Engelbrecht Sørensen spend all his free time hunting sea bass along the coast. Join him on an action-packed day, where he shows his approach to the fishing, and talks about gear, lures and strategies for catching seabass from the jetties.
In this video Daniel Nilsson reveals his super-efficient approach for precision casting for zander using a Livescope – an increasingly popular method of fishing. See all the techniques, get new knowledge on what gear to use and which lures to tie on the end of the line, when sharp shooting with the Panoptix LiveScope.
Follow Jörgen Larsson and Philip Augustsson on the hunt for active perch on a warm but windy summer day.
Follow Jörgen Larsson and Malte Ryge Petersen on a windy spring day in the pursuit for big prespawn pike - a time of the year that is known to be one of the best for targeting big pike.
The perch fishing aficionados Dejan Miloservic and Jörgen Larsson takes you on an epic archipelago adventure. In this film two of Europe's most skilled perch anglers shows you how to catch the big and tricky perch in the swedish archipelago.
Follow Daniel Nilsson on an early spring pike trolling session. In this video, Daniel gives you his best tips & tricks when trolling for pike on big waters.
Jörgen Larsson and Nicklas Sørensen are on the hunt for big perch using soft lures on a cold spring day.
Daniel Nilsson and Elias Narvelo shows you how to optimize your Pike fishing on open waters. In this video the two skilled anglers explains their bait choices, rod selection and reveals some effective fishing techniques and strategies that will help you improve your pike fishing in open waters.
Follow along on part 2 of Pike fishing on Open Waters where Daniel and Elias talks more about bait choices, rod selection and reveals some effective fishing techniques and strategies that will help you improve your pike fishing in open waters - Enjoy!
Join Luc Coppens and Paul Garner on a hectic mixed species predator session. Watch this video and get some great tips and tricks for your pike-, perch- and zander fishing with soft lures presented by two of Europe’s leading predator anglers.
Jörgen Larsson and Dejan Milosevic shows you how to optimize your Perch fishing with soft lures. In this video the two skilled anglers explain their bait choices, rod selection and reveals some effective fishing techniques and strategies that will help you improve your perch fishing with soft lures.
Jörgen Larsson and Dejan Milosevic shows you how to optimize your Perch fishing with drop shot. In this video the two skilled anglers explain their bait choices, rod selection and reveals some effective fishing techniques and strategies that will help you improve your perch fishing with drop shot - Enjoy!
Luc Coppens and Jeremy Staverman show you how to fish for zander, using the dropshot technique. Watch the video and learn the basics and beyond from two of the best predator anglers in Europe.
Jörgen Larsson and Daniel Nilsson shows you how to optimize your crankbait fishing for Perch. In this video the two skilled anglers explain their bait choices, rod and reel setup and reveals some effective fishing techniques and strategies that will help you improve your perch fishing with crankbait - Enjoy!
Luc Coppens and Jeremy Staverman show you how to fish for zander, using the bottom vertical jigging technique. Watch the video and learn the basics and beyond from two of the best vertical anglers in Europe.