Michael Bierbaumer
Michael Bierbaumer

Michael Bierbaumer was born in 1991 and comes from Upper Austria near the Attersee. He is working as a fishing guide, fly tying and tying instructor. Originally, he is educated in economics, but after his studies, he decided to turn his hobby into a profession. My main waters are the Stausee Klaus and the Attersee where I have mainly specialized on pikes, trouts, grayling, and whitefish.  „I am a real fisherman who guides real fishermen.“ During a guiding tour with Michael Bierbaumer, he will show you “where”, “when” and “how” you have the best chance of catching your targeted fish. As a result, a large part of the knowledge you collect on this day can also be successfully implemented in other waters. „The high quality of the Westin products has made a significant contribution to taking my fishing to a new level".

  • Choosing the right boat equipment, fishing tackle and the optimal bait
  • Choosing the appropriate fishing method (casting, trolling, finesse, vertical ...)
  • Correct execution of the technic
  • Correct behavior in the drill/correct landing
  • General information on pike, rake and trout
  • Best time of day, catchy phases of the moon, air pressure, fishing spots etc.
My favorites